
Showing posts from December, 2014

Hlovate? Siapa?

Assalamualaikum. Haa. Ni mungkin entri terakhir aku pada tahun 2014. Huhu. Dah nak berakhir tahun 2014 ni. Moga Allah redha segala yang telah aku lakukan sepanjang tahun 2014. InshaAllah. Berita terkini, banjir besar di negeri Kelantan,Terengganu kat bahagian Hulu dan Kemaman. Manakala Pahang, aku tak sure. Temerloh dah naik banyak. Doakan mereka semua diberi lindungan Allah SWT. Amin.. Berita seterusnya, (pembaca berita) haha. Air Asia dari Surabaya ke Singapore, hilang? Memang sekarang kita da masuk zaman fitnah dajjal. Mohon dijauhkan diri daripada fitnah Dajjal. Amin.. Ok. Back to our topic. Kenapa aku minat Hlovate? Siapa dia? Hlovate, penulis novel di bawah penerbit Jemari Seni Sdn Bhd. Takde orang tahu biodata real dia. Haha. Means, tade orang tahu gender dia? Based on my investigation. haha. Aku agak dia ni lelaki. Tapi, cara dia menulis. Means, watak utama banyak gender girl. Cara dia garap penulisan. Aku agak dia ni pompuan. So, aku sendiri keliru dengan gende

Cheer Up, Girl!

Assalamualaikum~ credit Shaykh Tawfique Chowdury explains how surah Ad-Dhuha is an antidote for depression. It was revealed at a time when the prophet stopped receiving any revealation from Allah for 6 month. Nothing at all. Jibril did not come down, and the prophet did not get any dreams. That time rasulullah was sad & began to think that Allah hates him. That Allah did not want him as a nabi anymore. All these thoughts comes to his mind. Dont this happen to us? When things dont go our way we begin to think god isnt fair, He isnt listening to our du'as. We feel that Allah is not responding to us, that he does not care. Thus we feel devastated. So what did Allah do? He brought down surah Dhuha- for the prophet, & for us all. (1)  "waddhuha. by the sun & the morning in its blazing glory."  The first thing u tell a person who's depressed is to wake up, see the sun. Its not all doom & gloom. Its a good day out there. Look at the sun and how it

The Best Among Us

Assalamualaikum. “Oh mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the one with the strongest taqwa. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” (Surah Al-Hujurat:13) Everyone wants to be the best. We want to be the best student, the best child, the best employee, the best spouse, the best parent, the best writer, the best speaker and so on. Everyone wants to have the best. We want the highest GPA, the gold medal in sports, the job with the biggest paycheck, the best spouse for our children, the best food, the best car, the best clothes, the best house,the best gadgets, and the list goes on. However, in the grand scheme of things, what can be nobler than being the best relation to Allah? What possession is better than having His Pleasure? It is indeed interesting that in the verse quote above, God is addressing not just to the Muslims,


Assalamualaikum. Aha.. Aku belum settlekan challenge 7 days tu. Sabar ya.  Gedik nau emoticon tu. Nyampah pulak nengok. -_- Qudwah.. What is it? Kalau ada readers aku fasih berbahasa arab. Sudah tentu korang tahu apa itu Qudwah. aite?? Qudwah adalah ikutan. Qudwah hasanah kita ialah.. Rasulullah S.A.W.. Kita buat kerja dakwah.. Bukan sebab nak mad'u tu ikut kita. Kita nak semua orang ikut jalan Rasulullah. Jalan kemana? Jalan berjumpa dengan Allah. Jalan yang betul. Bila cakap pasal dakwah. Mesti ada yang berkata.. "Aku bukannya baik sangat nak buat keje2 macam ni. Hmm.." Wahai sahabat.. Dan wahai diri sendiri. Ehe.. Ada orang, kelebihan dia dalam berkata-kata.. Itu Allah yang bagi kelebihan tu. Ada orang kelebihan dia dalam penulisan. Macam Hlovate? Ehem. Ada orang serlahkan cara dakwah dia.. Dengan berakhlak. Ya. Akhlak yang baik. Secara tak langsung, akan ada yang berkata.. "Baiknya awak." "Sebab Allah tutup aib saya.&qu