
Showing posts from October, 2015


Assalamualaikum. The weird things about me. 1. Cant handle situation such as dont understand what was lecturer taught. Cry, mad and lastly, i will close the book. 2. Cant handle with people that try to ignore me. If opposite gender. I will act like that too. I will ignore him as far as i could. Haha! 3. Cant handle with people who make a cute face. Cute act and so on. Walaupun tadi kemaen ignore. at last, we're being friend back. Cis. Haha. 4. Do not easily get into mood . Whatever mood. Until I am forced myself to get the mood. Such as studying, open book, key in data, make working paper and so on. 5. Cant handle with people crying because dont understand what was lect said. And ask me to teach about it again. Woi! Comel sangat kenapa! okay. 5 is enough. Haha! lastly, yes. this post is all about you. Patutnya aku rakam time kau buat muka sedih gila tu. Sorry cuz I ignored you for 3 months maybe? hek eleh. kau yang start dulu. i just played the game. kbai.

Maal Hijrah

Assalamualaikum. Semalam Awal Muharram. Hari ni 2 Muharram 1437H. So guys. What your azam baru? For me myself.. I dont know how to describe this feeling. Again, I was appointed to be as KB. Ketua Beliawanis. Im scared with this position. Seriously talk. But, I know, Allah yang pilih aku. Puas aku fikir, macam mana nak bertidak as a KB ni. Aku takotttttttttttttttttt. Ni adalah amanah. Again menangis di bucu katil. Haha. Lagi sedih bila sahabat yang pernah berjanji nak berjuang agama Allah, satu per satu they leave. Aku tak tahu apa salah aku. Aku teringin nak tanya kenapa dia ambil keputusan untuk berhenti usrah. Tapi i dont hv courage enough to ask. But, alhamdulillah.. Masih diberi sahabat yang lain. Yang sama2 ingin berjuang agama Allah. Sedih jugak.. Ni sedih terharu. haha. Asyik nak sedih je, parah jugak. Haha. Senang sangat nangis lately ni. Hati lembut kot. Kekeke. Bila duk muhasabah diri.. Mengapa aku pilih jalan untuk berhijrah.. Aku speechless bila sahabat